Client: Suzuki School - Atlanta, GA
Product: Liquid Lava™ floor tiles - various colors
Design: Design Directions, Inc.
Photography: Sarah Witherington
Our Liquid Lava™ panels are installed in the elevator of this school project.
suzukischool liquidlavafloortiles
Client: Suzuki School - Atlanta, GA
Product: Liquid Lava™ floor tiles - various colors
Design: Design Directions, Inc.
Photography: Sarah Witherington
Our Liquid Lava™ panels are installed in the elevator of this school project.
suzukischool liquidlavafloortiles2
Client: Suzuki School - Atlanta, GA
Product: Liquid Lava™ floor tiles - various colors
Design: Design Directions, Inc.
Photography: Sarah Witherington
Our Liquid Lava™ panels are installed in the elevator of this school project.
suzukischool liquidlavafloortiles3